Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lagos hunter

The past 2 weeks have consisted of me typing job application letters, editing my CV, writting job exams and going for numerous interviews. I'm glad that i am at least getting invited for exams and all but upset that i still haven't found a job, i mean i did get a job offer, but the hours were just terrible, i would have to work 8:00 am to 5:00pm then alternate with afternoon shift of 11:00am to 8:00pm and not to forget the alternate weekend of either saturday or sunday, put in mind that saturday would be 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and sunday 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. After i heard those hours during my interview i just blanked out, i don't exactly have a death wish yet neither was i getting any other offers, plus it was a community pharmacy and i felt oh well, those ones were the easiest to find. i wrote healthplus exam and did the interview but didn't get called back, i thought it went well, i'm not even sure what went wrong there, only explanation that made sense was that they didn't need any pharmacist around the area i lived in.

Basically jobberman and jobnavy have become my best friends. I also got this offer to register and go (RaG) now for those who aren't farmiliar with this, it means you use your pharmacy licence to open a community pharmacy for someone and get paid to do so, the negative side to this is that you cant work in organisations owned by the government in a pharmacist capacity neither can you open another premise, it wasn't a bad idea, i didn't exactly have money to open a pharmacy at the moment and the juicy government jobs weren't available, but the man was offering me peanuts, infact he offerd half of what i wanted so i rejected it.
My sister says i'm not desperate enough as i keep rejecting the little offers i get, maybe she's right, but i'm at a point where i need to settle into a more permanent job, i need something i can do long term. I also recently started to consider going into pharmaceutical sales, its the most stable aspect of pharmacy practice plus u get to have actual holidays.

I have another interview this week with reddington hospital, my exam was a blast, you know the feeling you get when you write an exam you had prepared for and you knew without a doubt you passed, that was how i felt leaving the hall. I guess the 2 interviews i have had has prepared me for this, at least now i know how to answer questions like "tell us about yourself" "what are your strengths" "what are your weaknesses" this last bit is a shitty question though, who in the world would want to answer that truthfully. I really do want this job at reddington, and i hope i get the branch closer to my home, my life would be so much better.
Here is to getting a job and moving on with my life.

*the hospital i worked in during nysc paid me my final salary, so i bought my fan, paid for data on my phone, and had enough change to go for the interviews i went for, i still have enough to pull me through for about 2 or 3 weeks.

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